Year 12 students experience life as medicine students at annual residential
15 July 2019

Hull York Medical School welcome's 63 Year 12 students to its annual Summer Residential
This week Hull York Medical School will welcome 63 Year 12 students to its annual Summer Residential. Run by the School with support from the universities of Hull and York and The Sutton Trust – Pathways to Medicine Programme, the programme aims to inspire and support those students interested in pursuing a career in medicine.
Professor Una Macleod, Dean of Hull York Medical School believes the programme provides valuable insight and support to students considering a career in medicine. She says, ‘we are committed to raising aspirations and supporting and encouraging young people who wish to pursue a career in medicine and other medical careers. Through this Summer Residential Programme as well as our Pathways to Medicine Programme and other events we hope to encourage local students to consider medicine and inspire them to study and train within this area so that they might make a difference to the health of patients locally’.
Students attending this year’s residential come from 27 schools and colleges across the region. The aim of the week is to provide students with an understanding of studying medicine at University and helping them make an informed choice about their future plans. They will experience what a typical first week is like for the medicine student – taking part in a variety of workshops and practical sessions. These include a problem based learning session facilitated by a clinician giving students the opportunity to analyse a medical case, clinical skills workshops, UCAT workshops, and resource sessions as well as communications skills and a lecture. In addition the students will find out more about careers in health, in addition to medicine, through spending time with the faculty of health sciences in the University of Hull’s Allam Medical Building – the heart of the University’s £28million health campus.
Since the Summer Residential was launched in 2009, over 300 students from 40 schools across the region have attended. Students have not only benefited from workshops and practical sessions, but have experienced e-mentoring support from current medical school students. Of those who participated in the 2018 Summer Residential, approximately 68% have applied to study medicine at Hull York Medical School and are now awaiting their A Level results.
Samantha Strickland, who attended the Summer School in 2014 from Oakbank Sixth Form in Keighley, West Yorkshire and is now studying at Hull York Medical School says: ‘I chose to do the Summer School because I really wanted to see what being a medical student was about. I am the first in my family to go onto University so I wanted to make sure that studying away from home at University was something that I enjoyed before I applied! I had a fantastic time and the experience not only showed me how much I wanted to go into Medicine, but it also made me realise that Hull York Medical School was where I wanted to go. I am very proud to now be studying here and honestly don't think that I would be here if it wasn't for that initial opportunity to take part in the Summer School. I would encourage anyone who is able, to get involved as you never know where it might lead you.’
Hull York Medical School is the joint medical school of the universities of Hull and York. It works in partnership with regional NHS Trusts and community healthcare providers to ensure it responds to local workforce needs and provides its students with the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional care to patients. Since it was established in 2003, it has trained over 1600 doctors who are now working within the region and beyond - as GPs, Psychiatrists and Consultants. The Year 12 Summer Residential and the Pathways to Medicine Programme are two of a number of opportunities the School offers to young people to support them on their journey to becoming doctors. This year the School will also welcome its first students on the Medicine with a Gateway Year Programme – a widening participation initiative designed to support local students interested in pursuing a career in medicine.