Medical School launches first online Summer School for Year 12 students
26 May 2020

Hull York Medical School launches first online Summer School for Year 12 students
Hull York Medical School has announced that it will offer its first online Summer School. Aimed at providing year 12 students with a unique insight into life as a medical student the virtual event will take place between 3 and 7 August 2020.
Run in partnership with the Sutton Trust’s Pathways to Medicine Programme, the summer school will provide valuable insight and support to students considering a career in medicine. As a widening participation scheme it has been designed to support students from backgrounds that are typically underrepresented in Higher Education. It will be delivered through Sutton Trust online, the Sutton Trust’s digital platform.
Professor Una Macleod, Dean of Hull York Medical School says:
We are committed to raising aspirations and supporting and encouraging people who wish to pursue a career in medicine and other medical careers. Through the Summer School, together with other initiatives like the School’s Pathways to Medicine programme and newly launched Medicafe, we hope to encourage local students to consider medicine and inspire them to study and train in this area so that they might make a difference to patients locally.
Hull York Medical School has offered an annual Summer School since 2009 but this is the first year that the event has been offered online and follows government guidance re social distancing considering the Covid-19 pandemic. Professor Peter Bazira, Director of the School’s Centre for Anatomical and Human Sciences and Academic Lead for Widening Participation says: ‘since we launched our Summer School in 2009, we have inspired over 300 students from across our region to consider a career in medicine. Despite not being able to run a physical Summer School this year we still wanted to offer the opportunity for young people to find out more about careers in medicine and what studying medicine is really like so they might make an informed choice about their future plans.’
The aim of the summer school is to provide students with an understanding of studying medicine at University and how to apply, as well as giving insight into other careers in health.
Students attending the online Summer School will experience a range of activities including:
- Academic sessions from clinicians and experts in the field
- Preparation sessions for admissions tests, the UCAT and BMAT
- Communication and medical ethics workshops
- Sessions about work experience and reflection
- Interactions with current medicine students
Since the Summer School was launched in 2009, over 350 students from 40 schools across the region have attended. Students have not only benefited from workshops and practical sessions but have experienced e-mentoring support from current medical school students. Of those who participated in the 2019 Summer Residential, approximately 62% have applied to study medicine at Hull York Medical School and are now awaiting their A Level results.
Daisy Metcalfe, a previous participant in the School’s Summer School and who is now studying at Hull York Medical School says: ‘I chose to do the Summer School because although I knew I wanted to study medicine, I was unsure which style of teaching would suit me best. During the Summer School I experienced problem-based learning sessions, lectures, anatomy workshops and clinical skills. I also got to meet current medicine students and through them found out what it was really like to study medicine – they also gave me top tips for applying to medicine. I enjoyed meeting other people who were also interested in studying medicine and was assigned an e-mentor who helped me to edit and strengthen my personal statement.’
Hull York Medical School is the joint medical school of the universities of Hull and York. It works in partnership with regional NHS Trusts and community healthcare providers to ensure it responds to local workforce needs and provides its students with the knowledge and skills to deliver exceptional care to patients. Since it was established in 2003, it has trained over 1600 doctors who are now working within the region and beyond - as GPs, Psychiatrists and Consultants. The Year 12 Summer School and the Pathways to Medicine Programme are two of a number of opportunities the School offers to young people to support them on their journey to becoming doctors.