
Yorkshire and Humber Palliative Care Research Network Training resources

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Why research in palliative and end of life care matters?

By Professor Fliss Murtagh, Professor of Palliative Care

Watch this video to find out:

  • What is research?
  • What is NOT research?
  • Why bother with research in palliative and end of life care?

Missing data in palliative care trials

By Dr Jamilla Hussain, Consultant in Palliative Care and Senior Research Fellow

Watch this video to find out:

  • What do we mean by missing data?
  • Why do missing data matter?
  • How can we reduce missing data?
  • How can we handle missing data?

Scientific and Practice Linking Pins

By NICHE Leeds, a research partnership between universities and care homes

Watch this video to hear about:

  • An example of partnership working between practice and research
  • What the Linking Pin model is
  • How by working together practitioners and researchers can address topics that matter

Watch the YouTube video by NICHE Leeds about scientific and practice linking pins


Contact us

For further information on one of the topics above please don’t hesitate to contact us at

The Network has a wide range of expertise in the field of Palliative and End of Life Care research.  We can also offer further guidance / assistance, please feel free to get in touch to discuss further.