Group exercise
20 points
At Hull York Medical School, much of our teaching and learning takes place in small group settings and in teams, so our students need to be able to work well with peers.
The main aim of this station is to give us an insight into how you work within a group or team. We are interested in your ability to work collaboratively, how well you contribute relevant information to a group discussion, and whether you can articulate your thoughts effectively and clearly.
You will be scored on your level of participation and contribution, but not on your medical knowledge.
The exercise will be chaired and facilitated by our very experienced problem-based learning (PBL) tutors, who will support and guide the group through the PBL process. The tutor and an observing medical student will score the performance of each candidate. A Hull York Medical School Student Ambassador will also be present to act as ‘scribe’, capturing the group discussion.
Two mini-interviews
15 points each
Candidates will be asked two questions in each interview room, though our interviewers may ask you to expand on your initial answer. Each interviewer will score the responses independently.
You will receive your first question for each room before entering, and will be given five minutes thinking time to prepare your response to this question.
The mini-interview questions will focus on your understanding of current issues in medicine, your insight into a career in medicine, your critical thinking skills and personal qualities, such as empathy, tolerance and resilience.
Student station
15 points
You will be asked two questions by senior medical students which will explore becoming a student doctor, and joining the Hull York Medical School community.
You will receive your first question before entering, and will be given five minutes thinking time to prepare your response to this question.
Individual scenario station
15 points
The scenario assesses how you would react and respond in a given situation.
You will be shown a pre-recorded video simulating a character talking directly to you, and asked to respond to questions about this at two points during the video and once at the end of the video.
You are not asked to problem solve in this station, and we will not be testing your medical knowledge.