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Open Day at the University of Hull

Meet us

We welcome you to meet us to learn more about studying a postgraduate degree and life as a Hull York student.

MSc Pharmacology and Drug Development taster webinar

Monday 17 February, 17.30 - 18.30

Pharmacology is the science underpinning the action of drugs on biological systems, and its reach and impact – and it plays a critical role in healthcare.

As part of our Masters Taster Webinar series, Dr Nguok Ngie Su, Programme Director and Lecturer in Pharmacology, will provide an insight into the drug development process, from bench to bedside, and explain how the programme will help to ensure you develop the analytical and critical appraisal skills needed for a career in this field. In addition, you will have the opportunity to hear from current and past students about their experiences and career journey.

If you are a prospective student or applicant, we encourage you to come along and find out more about this fascinating MSc. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the Programme Director and ask any questions you might have about our MSc in Pharmacology and Drug Development programme.

Register your place

PGCert, PGDip and MSc Palliative Care taster webinar

Tuesday 18 February, 17.30 - 18.30

Palliative care can make a real difference to people living with long-term and life-limiting conditions and their families.

As part of our Masters Taster Webinar series, Programme Directors Professors Jonathan Koffman and Mark Pearson will deliver a taster session on how Implementation Science is crucial for the delivery of care that improves experience and outcomes.

If you are a prospective student or applicant, we encourage you to come along and find out more about this fascinating subject. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the Programme Directors and ask any questions you might have about our PG Cert/PG Dip and MSc in Palliative Care: Implementing Best Practice programme.

Register your place.


MSc Clinical Anatomy
MSc Clinical Anatomy and Education taster webinar

Tuesday 25 February, 17.30 - 18.30

Clinical Anatomy involves using anatomical knowledge to help solve clinical problems – such as diagnosis, or treatment.

As part of our Masters Taster Webinar series, Programme Director Dr Paul McKeegan and current MSc Clinical Anatomy students will deliver a clinical anatomy taster session. This will be an interactive clinical anatomy tutorial session informed by the experiences of students on the CA(E) programmes, so please be prepared to contribute to an online quiz and join the discussion!

If you are a prospective student or applicant, we encourage you to come along and find out more about the fascinating subject of clinical anatomy. You will also have the opportunity to talk to the Programme Director to ask any questions you might have about our MSc in Clinical Anatomy programme.

Register your place.

Doctor working on laptop computer
Dr Andrew Brown

Meet with us

Book a one-to-one call

Chat one-on-one with a Programme Director to discover more about the course. Get the answers to your questions about what you'll learn and find out more about studying at Hull York Medical School, support, finance and more.

Book your slot now

MSc in Clinical Anatomy
MSc in Clinical Anatomy and Education
Book time with Paul McKeegan

MSc in Pharmacology and Drug Development
Book time with Ngouk Ngie Su

MSc in Pharmacology and Education
Book time with Laura Sadofsky

MSc in Physician Associate Studies
Book time with Andy Brown

PGCert, PGDip and MSc in Health Professions Education
Book time with Millie Kehoe
Book time with Amaya Ellawala

PGCert, PGDip and MSc in Palliative Care: Implementing Best Practice
Book time with Mark Pearson

Meet us

About our events

Whether you’re thinking about applying, or already have an offer, our in-person and virtual Open Days and events are the best way to find out about postgraduate study with us.

Join us at to:

  • Meet your programme director and get an insight into what study will be like on your programme
  • Ask questions about teaching, assessment, course content and more
  • Speak with the University support teams, such as finance, welfare and student support
  • Chat to students and get a taste of what student life is like

Subscribe to our newsletter for updates about future events.

You can also contact us if you have any questions about our programmes or would like to speak with a Programme Director. Please email

Watch the video: MSc in Clinical Anatomy
Physician Associate Students at Castle Hill Hospital
Students on the MSc Pharmacology and Drug Development programme working in a lab
Health Professions Education students in discussion at at a study day

Meet us

Request an individual meeting or visit

If you are unable to attend any of our events and you’d like to discuss with someone about a specific course, please contact us at

We can arrange an individual appointment to meet with the Programme Director or the programme’s student representative. These meetings can take place in person, over a video meeting or a telephone call.


Virtual and self-guided tours

Virtual tours

Explore the University of Hull and the University of York from the comfort of your own home with their online virtual tours and videos.

University of Hull virtual tour

University of York virtual tour

Self-guided tours

The University of York also offer a new app, Visit UoY, which allows you to take a self-guided tour of campus narrated by current students. You can either visit the University of York in-person and explore the campus for yourself or get the campus tour experience from the comfort of your own home.

Google Play Store - get the app

Apple App Store - get the app

University of Hull main entrance
Heslington Hall