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Pharmacology students and staff working in the lab

Postgraduate taught

A Masters qualification from Hull York Medical School can help you take your next step into a new or advanced career, or progress into research. Here, you’ll work with experts in their fields, and become part of our vibrant community of creative and critical thinkers, and gain the knowledge and skills to make a real difference to people’s lives.

Our programmes

Programmes for healthcare professionals

If you are a healthcare professional, a postgraduate qualification can help you take the next step in your career or progress into research.

Training and development in our healthcare community is an integral part of our ethos. We offer a number of postgraduate taught programmes for healthcare professionals:

We also postgraduate modules and training opportunities for healthcare professionals, including:

If you are interested in conducting independent research rather than studying a taught Masters, you may be interested in the MSc in Medical Sciences (by Thesis).

Health Professions Education students at at a study day
Health Professions Education students in discussion at at a study day


Intercalating medical students

We welcome applications from external applicants and current Hull York Medical School students onto our postgraduate degree programmes.

Studying for a Masters programme is intensive, but one that will equip you with the skills and experience to become a better clinician or clinical academic, giving you a competitive edge when applying for foundation year training, specialty training and jobs.

We offer postgraduate degrees in specialist subjects to suit your interests and that provide a powerful complement to your medical training, including full-body clinical anatomy, pharmacology, and health education.

Discover intercalation
MSc in Clinical Anatomy
MSc in Pharmacology and Drug Development