
Partners and collaborators

Our researchers cut across disciplinary boundaries, working in collaboration to drive innovative research and maximise their impact – to boldly advance improvements in diagnosis, treatments and care for patients.

The Wolfson Palliative Care Research Centre works collaboratively to develop, deliver, implement, and disseminate palliative care research with the following people and organisations.

Involvement of people with illness experience, their families and the public

In the Wolfson Centre for Palliative Care Research, we involve people with first hand experience of advanced life-threatening illness, their families and the public in all our projects. We also include people with experience of advanced illness as partners in our strategy development, expert advisory group, and in our communications work. We continually work to innovate and strengthen this involvement, as it does so much to shape and improve our work and its impact. Find out more about our patient and public involvement and engagement.

Local partners

Regional partners

National partners

International partners